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STEP: A Scripting Language for Embodied Agents

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STEP (Scripting Technology for Embodied Persona) is a scripting language for embodied agents, in particular for their communicative acts like gestures, postures, facial expressions and speech. STEP has been implemented in the distributed logic programming language DLP, a tool for the implementation of 3D web agents .

XSTEP is an XML-based markup/scripting language for embodied agents. It is the XML version of STEP. XSTEP Editor would help you to edit XSTEP and STEP scripts and translate XSTEP scripts into STEP scripts on IBM's XML editor Xeena.

STEP Resource Package includes the STEP resources -- papers, engines, templates, tools, script libraries, and avatars.

STEP Tool Package consists of several STEP authoring tools, including a STEP testbed and a rotation measure tool. You can use these tools to load any h-anim humanoid avatar and test your own scripting actions on the avatars online without the installation of any STEP software or DLP tool.

Video Demo: Pamela gives a presentation on the STEP paper (streaming video)
Video Demo: Pamela, a hanim-based embodied conversational agent (streaming video)
Video Demo: STEP facial animation and speech authoring tool (streaming video)
Video Demo: Reach with knowledge (streaming video)
Video Demo: STEP tool (streaming video)
Video Demo: Pamela gives a presentation on the STEP paper (3.33MB)
Video Demo: Pamela, a hanim-based embodied conversational agent (3.22MB)
Video Demo: STEP facial animation and speech authoring tool (7.38MB)
Video Demo: Reach with knowledge (4.45MB)
Video Demo: STEP tool (5.75MB)
Video Demo: Touch based on Inverse Kinematics (1.88MB)
Video Demo: Run (0.98MB)
Video Demo: Walk (796 KB)

Contact Zhisheng Huang for comments or suggestions.

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