近年来,信息技术取得了许多新进展。大数据为我们提供了许多新的机会,它使得数据处理平台大大增加了其商业价值,效率,与产出,同时也给信息技术提供了许多新的挑战。 面向智慧城市的信息技术为现代化城市的发展提供了新的机遇。语义技术为许多应用系统的数据整合提供了有效的方法。这一类的信息技术的新进展不胜枚举。
2013信息技术新进展国际高峰论坛(IFAIT2013)为国际上的一流科学家提供了一个讨论这个新技术发展的讲台。 这个国际高峰论坛是江苏科技大学八十年校庆活动的一部分。在时间上与在南京召开的2013国际网络信息系统工程学术大会(WISE2013)相衔接, 即作为WISE2013国际学术大会的后续活动之一。
宾馆: 高峰论坛的特邀嘉宾将在镇江碧榆苑宾馆(http://www.byyhotel.com/)下榻。
(地址: 镇江竹林路88号)
镇江一日游: 我们为高峰论坛的特邀嘉宾提供镇江一日游(2013年10月17日),将游览镇江著名的旅游景点,包括焦山公园,西津渡,和金山寺。
Sept 1st, 2013
Notification of invited speakers
Oct 13th-15th, 2013
Oct 16th-17th, 2013
Title: Big Data versus Semantics
Speaker: Professor William Wei Song
(Dalarna University, Sweden)
Abstract: Big data has been a hot topic for two years. It has been viewed as a big opportunity for a great variety of applications,
from e-retailing systems (where e-CRM plays a major role as more and more customers become available), smart cities (or intelligent transport systems, where real-time surveillant and monitoring data collected from various sources enable to solve e.g. traffic congestion problems efficiently), to new energy systems. Many researchers and research projects at moment focus on the "big" data about the application domains in terms of the data collection, store, analysis, processing, use, and maintenance. Based on statistic methods as well as data mining and machine learning techniques, researchers are developing many approaches to handling of the problem of "understanding" big data. However, little efforts have been put in capturing the "semantics" of the big data. In this short talk, I try to explain why semantic modeling of big data is important, how to capture it, and how to represent it.
Title: The OpenPHACTS Discovery Platform: easy access to pharmacological data
Speaker: Dr. Ronald Siebes
(VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
Abstract:Currently, pharmaceutical companies assemble their own in-house databases of pharmacological and physicochemical data. Each of these is built to fulfil a primary use-case, and often the language and metadata implemented is unique and little integration can be obtained with other databases. Repetition of the pharmacological data extraction, transformation and loading stages at each pharmaceutical company greatly hinders the drug discovery process. Open PHACTS seeks to improve data interoperability, and move away from this ‘information tomb’ approach. Open PHACTS integrates multiple publicly-available databases, creating links between the data present, allowing access to a vast data resource in a stable and rigorous infrastructure. The provenance of all data is easily assessed, and traceable back to the parent database, allowing the data quality to be evaluated. In addition to reducing barriers to drug discovery within the pharmaceutical industry, the Open PHACTS Discovery Platform allows scientists in academia and smaller companies unprecedented access to an integrated database of pharmacological information. The Open PHACTS Discovery Platform draws together and generates links between variably-sourced data so that industry, academia and small businesses can concentrate on drug discovery.
Title:Finding Semantics to detect the abnormality in Multiple Time Series
Speaker: Dr. Jing He
(Centre for Applied Informatics, Victoria University, Australia )
Abstract: Detecting/predicting anomalies from multiple correlated time series is valuable to those applications where a credible real-time event prediction system will minimise economic losses (e.g. stock market crash) and save lives (e.g. medical surveillance in the operating theatre). This talk will introduce an effective and efficient methods for mining the anomalies of correlated multiple time series in online and real-time manner. It includes the detection/prediction of anomalies by analysing differences, changes, and trends in correlated multiple time series. The predicted anomalies often indicate the critical and actionable information in several application domains.
Title: WaaS – Wisdom as a Service
Speaker: Professor Ning Zhong
(Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan)
Abstract:An emerging hyper-world encompasses all human activities in a social-cyber-physical
space. Its power derives from the Wisdom Web of Things (W2T) cycle, namely, “from
things to data, information, knowledge, wisdom, services, humans, and then back to
things.” The W2T cycle leads to a harmonious symbiosis among humans, computers and
things, which can be constructed by large-scale converging of intelligent information
technology applications with an open and interoperable architecture. The recent advances
in cloud computing, the Internet/Web of Things, big data and other research fields have
provided just such an open system architecture with resource sharing/services. The next
step is therefore to develop an open and interoperable content architecture with
intelligence sharing/services for the organization and transformation in the “data,
information, knowledge and wisdom (DIKW)” hierarchy. This talk presents Wisdom
as a Service (WaaS) as a content architecture based on the “paying only for what you
use” IT business trend. The WaaS infrastructure, WaaS economics, and the main
challenges in WaaS research and applications are discussed. A case study is described to
demonstrate the usefulness and significance of WaaS. Relying on the clouds (cloud
computing), things (Internet of Things) and big data, WaaS provides a practical approach
to realize the W2T cycle in the hyper-world for the coming age of ubiquitous
intelligent IT applications.
Title: Big Data meets Spatial Computing
Speaker: Professor Huajun Chen
(Zhejiang University, China)
Abstract: Spatial Computing is a set of ideas and technologies that will transform our lives by observing, understanding the space of the physical world, and navigating, communicating our relation to places in that world. The transformational potential of Spatial Computing is already evident. From Virtual Globes such as Google Earth to location based social networking services such as twitter or weibo, our society has benefited immensely from spatial technology. Spatial computing is data-intensvie and typical big data application. Typical spatial data sources include satellite remote sensing, mobile devices, sensor network etc. In this talk, we first survey the big data challenges brought up by spatial computing. We then introduce an ongoing big effort that aims to provide an integrated big data infrastructure for collecting, storing, managing and analyzing a variety of spatial data in China. Research over several novel big data solutions such as SpatialHBase, SpatialMapreduce, Spatial Reasoning that are tailored for spatial data processing are elaborated in details as well. The talk is summarized with several promising applications that will build upon the big spatial data infrastructure.
Title: 4Vs in Semantic Data Reasoning: Variety, Velocity, Volumn and Veracity.
Speaker: Dr. Jeff Pan
(University of Aberdeen, UK)
Abstract: (to be added)
Title: Big Data Related Research Issues and Progress
Speaker: Professor Chengqi Zhang
(Centre for QuantumComputation & Intelligent Systems (QCIS), University of Technology, Sydney)
Abstract:(to be added).
Title: Toward Scalable Reasoning over Annotated Semantic Data Using MapReduce
Speaker: Professor Guilin Qi
(Southeast University, China)
Abstract: The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is one of the major representation standards for the Semantic Web and is widely used in many applications of semantic techniques, such as Google and Baidu's knowledge graph. RDF Schema (RDFS) is used to describe vocabularies used in RDF descriptions. Recently, there is an increasing interest to express additional information on top of RDF data. Several extensions of RDF were proposed in order to deal
with time, uncertainty, trust and provenance. All these specific domains can be modeled by a general framework called annotated RDF data. A recent work reported millions of triples with temporal information in a large knowledge base called Yago 2 and the number is still increasing. It is reasonable to expect more annotated RDF triples to be handled
by semantic web applications. Therefore scalability will become an important issue for these applications. Existing work has shown that MapReduce is a scalable framework to perform large scale RDFS reasoning. This inspires us to solve the large scale annotated RDFS reasoning problem using MapReduce. We find that most of the optimizations for RDFS reasoning is also applicable for annotated RDFS reasoning. However, to reason with an arbitrary annotation domain, there are still some unique challenges that need to be handled. In this paper, we will discuss these challenges and solutions to tackle them.
Our preliminary results show that our method is scalable for a specific domain: fuzzy domain.
Title:Social Media & Social Network Data Analytics
Speaker: Dr. Xue Li
(School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland Australia)
Social media and networks are a popular place for people to express their opinions about consumer products, to organize or initiate social events, or to spread news. Some questions would be asked in order to understand the social media and social networks: how can we detect and predict the emerging sensitive events? How can we predict the propagation patterns of online micro-blogs? How can we understand people’s opinions about a current issue, a new product, or an important event? This talk is to report our recent research work on the social media and social networks data mining. A few application systems will be reported to answer the above questions.
Title:A Semantically-enabled System for Road Sign Management
Speaker: Dr. Qinhua Liu
(Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, China)
Abstract: The road sign is an important facility which manages the road traffic safety and
eases the road traffic congestion. This paper proposes a Semantically-enabled System
for Road Sign Management (SeRSM). The SeRSM system is built based on LarKC,
which is a platform for scalable semantic data processing. In the SeRSM system, the
users can select the corresponding operations through the interface integrated with a
map service. These operations are sent to Jetty server for corresponding processing.
They include sending some SPARQL query to invoke the corresponding workflow in
the LarKC platform and to retrieve and reason the massive data stored in the data
layer of LarKC and to return the result to the Jetty server. The paper made a full
description of technical points such as the design objective, data sources, data
integration, noisy data processing, detection of road consistency effectiveness. It also
describes the system’s user interface and basic functions in the end. The SeRSM has
great value and social significance for improving traffic efficiency and traffic safety
through successful applications in Zhenjiang and Yiwu in China.
Title:A Minwise Hashing Method for Addressing Relationship Extraction from Text
Speaker: Dr. David Batista
(Technical Univeristy of Lisbon, Portugal)
Abstract:Relationship extraction concerns with the detection and classification of semantic relationships between entities mentioned
in a collection of textual documents. This presentation shows a simple and on-line approach for addressing the automated extraction of semantic
relations, based on the idea of nearest neighbor classification, and leveraging a minwise hashing method for measuring similarity between relationship instances.
Experiments with three different datasets that are commonly used for benchmarking relationship extraction methods show promising results, both in terms of
classification performance and scalability.
Title: Extracting entrie domains with DIADEM
Speaker: Dr. Christian Schallhart
(Computing Lab, Oxford University, UK)
Abstract:We are at the verge of fully automatically turning entire application
domains into a single database. Given some knowledge on a domain, such
as real estate, used cars, or flights, DIADEM explores an arbitrary
site within that domain and identifies the relevant data on all
explored pages to generate an efficient wrapper for this site. This
entire process involves no per-site configuration.
To this end, DIADEM runs a comprehensive entity recognizer and a block
classifier on each page to drive a form and result page analysis. If
DIADEM recognizes a relevant form, it devises a strategy to fill this
form to reach the data behind. Once a result page is found, it
identifies its records and the attributes therein. It also follows a
next link in case of paginated results. If sufficiently many pages
have been explored, DIADEM induces a wrapper that reenacts the
navigation and form filling and extracts the data, as marked by the
result page analysis. The wrapper is finally run independently to
extract the data into a database.
While the analysis takes a couple of minutes per site, probing only a
few pages, the wrapper extracting the data is highly scalable,
analyzing 10 pages a minute.
Title: Semantic Approach for Rational Use of Antibiotics: A Perspective from Clinical Research
Speaker: Professor Jinguang Gu
(Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China)
Antibiotic abuse has potentially serious eects on health. Rational use of antibiotics has become a basic principle in medical practice.
In this paper we propose a semantic approach for rational use of antibiotics, by introducing the semantic technology into the monitoring on the
use of antibiotic agents. In particular, we investigate the problem from
the perspective of clinical research. The proposed approach has been
implemented in a prototype system named SeSRUA, a Semantically-enabled System for Rational Use of Antibiotics. This semantic system
with the support of data interoperability provides a basic infrastructure
for the intelligent monitoring on the use of antibiotics.
(more invited speakers to be added)
时间 | 内容 |
9:00 - 9:10 | IFAIT2013组织委员会主席王直教授致开幕辞 |
9:10 - 9:20 | IFAIT2013会议联合主席江苏科技大学书记王建华教授致欢迎辞 |
上午特邀报告 (9:20-11:50) 由IFAIT2013会议联合主席黄智生教授主持 |
9:20-9:45 | "Big Data Related Research Issues and Progress" Professor Chengqi Zhang (Centre for QuantumComputation & Intelligent Systems (QCIS), University of Technology, Sydney) |
9:45-10:10 | "Big Data versus Semantics" Professor William Wei Song (Dalarna University, Sweden) |
10:10-10:30 | Tea break |
10:30-10:55 | "4Vs in Semantic
Data Reasoning: Variety, Velocity, Volumn and Veracity." Dr. Jeff Pan (University of Aberdeen, UK) |
10:55-11:20 | "How do different complexities in a network
affect the optimal location of service centers?" Professor Johan Håkansson (Dalarna University, Sweden) |
11:20-11:50 | "Big Data meets Spatial Computing" Professor Huajun Chen (Zhejiang University, China) |
11:50-13:30 | Lunch |
下午特邀报告(13:30-18:40) 由IFAIT2013组织委员会主席王直教授主持 |
13:30-13:55 | "The OpenPHACTS Discovery Platform: easy access to pharmacological data" Dr. Ronald Siebes (VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands) |
13:55-14:20 | "Finding Semantics to detect the abnormality in Multiple Time Series" Dr. Jing He (Centre for Applied Informatics, Victoria University, Australia ) |
14:20-14:45 | "Toward Scalable Reasoning over Annotated Semantic Data Using MapReduce" Professor Guilin Qi (Southeast University, China) |
14:45-15:10 | "Semantic Approach for Rational Use of Antibiotics: A Perspective from Clinical Research" Professor Jinguang Gu (Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China) |
15:10-15:35 | "Social Media & Social Network Data Analytics" Dr. Xue Li (School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland Australia) |
15:35-15:55 | Tea break |
15:55-16:20 | "A Minwise Hashing Method for Addressing Relationship Extraction from Text" Dr. David Batista (Technical Univeristy of Lisbon, Portugal) |
16:20-16:45 | "Extracting entrie domains with DIADEM" Dr. Christian Schallhart (Computing Lab, Oxford University, UK) |
16:45-17:10 | (to be announced) |
17:10-17:35 | "WaaS – Wisdom as a Service" Professor Ning Zhong (Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan) |
17:35-18:40 | "A Semantically-enabled System for Road Sign Management" Dr Qinhua Liu (Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, China) |
18:40 | Close |
江苏科技大学是一所省部共建、以工为主、特色鲜明的普通高等学校。学校秉承 ”服务船舶,服务国防” 的办学理念,形成了本、硕、博比较完备的人才培养体系,逐步发展成为一所工、管、农、文、理、经、教等多学科协调发展的有特色的大学。 江苏科技大学坐落在风景秀丽的全国历史文化名城——江苏省镇江市,学校办学历史悠久,源自1933年诞生于黄浦江畔的上海大公职业学校. 江苏科技大学现有镇江东、南、西3个校区和张家港校区,北京研究所,上海研究所, 浙江研究所和驻上海办事处。 学校总占地2500余亩,总资产价值人民币8.6亿,其中教学研究设备资源占1.79亿。学校现有纸质图书176.7万多册,图书馆馆藏图书和电子图书约53万多种。 学校设有14个学院,61个本科专业(含方向),有2个博士学位授权一级学科、6个博士学位授权点、12个硕士学位授权一级学科、48个硕士学位授权点;有工程硕士、农业推广硕士、工商管理硕士、会计硕士等4个专业硕士学位培养类型,其中工程硕士有10个培养领域。拥有1个江苏省“国家重点学科培育建设点”、1个江苏高校优势学科、2个江苏省“十二五”一级学科重点学科、1个江苏省“十二五”一级学科重点(培育)学科、1个江苏省人才培养模式创新实验基地,4个江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀学科梯队,1个省级优秀教学团队;拥有8个省级实验教学示范中心,2个省级实验教学示范中心建设点;拥有4个国家级特色专业建设点,11个省级品牌、特色专业,2个国家级“十二五”专业综合改革试点专业,2个国家级卓越工程师教育培养计划专业, 5个江苏省卓越工程师(软件类)教育培养计划专业, 7个省级重点专业(类)建设项目;近年来获得9门省级精品课程,先后获省级一、二等教学成果奖多项 。
网络信息系统工程大会每年召开一次,主要探讨世界范围内与高效数据存储和处理有关的新挑战等年度重大事件。第十四届国际网络信息系统工程学术大会(WISE 2013)将于十月13至15号在中国南京举行。