Extended DIG Description Logic Interface for Prolog

The Extended DIG Description Logic Interface for Prolog (XDIG) is a logic programming infrastructure for the Semantic Web. XDIG supports both DIG clients and DIG servers. As a DIG client, the Prolog programs can call any external DL reasoner which supports the DIG DL interface. As a DIG server, the Prolog programs can serve as a DL reasoner, which can be used to support additional DL reasoning processing. See the SEKT Report D3.4.1.2 for details.

Here are several examples how XDIG can be used to define your own Prolog DIG server:

  • Simply Forward Strategy
  • Accumulation Strategy
  • Query Processing1
  • MyQuery Processing
  • Entailment Extension
  • The Prolog DIG servers can be tested by posting data from a html form, or from a file in Prolog programs, or others.

    Download the XDIG package (version 1.4.6)(5.12MB).

    The XDIG package contains an OWL2DIG library which is used to translate OWL data into DIG data.
    An improved version of the OWL2DIG library which was developed by Willem Robert van Hage can be downloaded from here.

    What are new in the improved version of the OWL2DIG library:

  • Handle owl:Restriction with owl:valuesFrom on a owl:cardinality (or min/maxCardinality).
  • Keep track of all concepts that should be declared. If there are undeclared concepts the declarations are prepended to the tell request.
  • Conversions can be running on concurrent threads
  • Contact Zhisheng Huang if you have any comment or suggestion.