Multimedia Authoring II
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Frequently Asked Questions


  • Question: I did not follow the course "Multimedia Authoring I", can I follow the course "Multimedia Authoring II"?
    Answer: The prerequisite of the course is Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML), which is taught in the course "Multimedia Authoring I" (MMA1). If you already have some knowledge about VRML, you should have no problems to follow the course "Multimedia Authoring II" (MMA2). Some people find that it is not difficult to learn VRML by themselves, just like they do for HTML.

  • Question: I have no knowledge about the logic programming language PROLOG, and have no background in Artifical Intelligence (AI), can I follow the course?
    Answer: PROLOG is not a prerequisite of the course. We are going to teach some PROLOG for beginners. The course is designed for both non-AI students and AI students.

  • Question: Are you going to teach all of the contents in the book "Distributed Logic Programming for Virtual Environments"?
    Answer: No, only some selected parts of the book. For example, we may not teach recursion on lists in PROLOG, for which some people find it difficult.
  • DLP Programming

  • Programming in Computer Room at VU

    There is a pre-installed Solaris version of DLP in directory /home/dejavu/dlp. See the local info page for more information.
    (1). update MY_PROG_DIR in examples/setvars.j122
    (2). chmod u+x setvars.j122
    (3) . ./setvars.j122
    (4) dlpc
    (5) dlp YOUR_PROGRAM

  • Programming on UNIX/Linux at home

    Please see the DLP release Notes for details.
    (1) install JDK 1.3 for Unix
    (2) install SWI prolog 3.3.10 for Unix
    (3) uncompress DLP for Unix
    (4) update sets in examples/setvars.j122
    (5) chmod u+x setvars.j122
    (6) . ./setvars.j122
    (7) dlpc
    (8) dlp YOUR_PROGRAM

  • Programming on Windows at home

    The DLP release Notes also introduces how to install, compile and execute on Windows.
    It is similar like to configuration on Unix environment except you should change dlpc.bat and dlp.bat, not setvars.j122.
    Notice: When you change the set of EXECOMP in bin\dlpc.bat , the slashes are forward ('/'), not '\' like normal cases on Windows. But the other sets, for example DLPROOT, SWICOMP, still use backslashes.
    (1) install JDK 1.3 for Windows
    (2) install SWI prolog 3.3.10 for Windows
    (3) uncompress DLP for Windows
    (4) update sets in bin\dlpc.bat and bin\dlp.bat
    (5) add dlpc.bat and dlp.bat into %PATH% System environment. (optional)
    (6) dlpc
    (7) dlp YOUR_PROGRAM

  • Programming on Windows using Editplus

    If you'd like to program DLP on Windows, we recommend you to use Editplus ( plus the syntax files for DLP.
    Install Editplus:
    First download and install Editplus. Then uncompress the syntax files (perl.stx, perl.acp) and overlay the old ones in the install directory of Editplus. Finally, the DLP syntax can be highlighted in Editplus.
    Compile and run your DLP programs in Editplus:
    Yes, you can compile and run your DLP programs in Editplus. It will make your life much easy :-)
    (1). Assume you have installed and configured DLP on your Windows successfully.
    (2). Tools -> Configure User Tools -> Add Tools >> program. Then a new item will appear in the middle box.
    (3). In the "Menu text" item, input program name, for example, dlpc, dlp.
    (4). In the "Command" item, input the path of programs.
    (5). In the "Argument" item for dlpc, input: $(FileName).
    (6). In the "Initial directory" item for dlpc, input: $(FileDir).
    (7). In the "Argument" item for dlp, input: $(FileNameNoExt).
    (8). In the "Initial directory" item for dlp, input: $(FileDir)\classes.
    In the follow figure, we already have javac, java and cl tools. Then we added two tools for DLP.
    If you want Editplus capture output, check the "Capture output" box.

    (9). View -> Toolbars/Views -> User Toolbar. Then the toolbar which has several hammers will appear. In the above case, our DLPC is the forth hammer, and DLP is the fifth one.
    (10). Open your DLP programs in Editplus.
    (11). Sit back and click the hammer 4 (or Ctrl+4) to compile your programs, and then click the hammer 5 (Ctrl + 5) to run the compiled programs. If you didn't check "Capture output", the output will be on a command window.
    Notice: The file name of your DLP program should be the same as the object which includes "main :- ". Keep in mind DLP can only execute the object which has main function, somewhat like Java.

  • If you have any question, please feel free to ask the teaching assistants. Good luck!