21st International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2020)
22-24 Oct 2020
Amsterdam, Netherlands
WISE2020 Workshops


2020 International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Mental Health (AI4MH2020)

(Date: October 22, 2020) 


The 2020 International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Mental Health (AI4MH2020) will be held on October 22, 2020 via the Zoom teleconference. AI4MH2020 is one of the activities for WISE2020 (21st International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering) and HIS2020 (the 9th International Conference on Health Information Science)


AI4MH2020 is designed to promote the research and discussion on the applications of Artificial Intelligence Technology on Mental Health. We are interested in the work of Chatbots for mental health and the work of AI for suicide prevention and rescue. In particular, we are interested in the relevant work such as Tree Hole Rescue. Tree Hole Secret is based on an Indian myth. A person who has a secret should go to the forest and look for a tree with a hole. After whispering it into the hole, the secret would stay in the tree forever. Modern Tree hole is a metaphor of a social media in which the owner of the social media is dead and is used for people to express their painful and despair feeling. Many young people express their suicidal feelings and intentions through online social media, e.g., Twitter, Microblog. It provides the possibility of using Artificial Intelligence and big data technology to detect the posts where someone expressed the suicidal signal from internet social media. “Tree-hole Rescue" has provided a succesful case for it.


Workshop Organizers


  • Zhisheng Huang, Free University Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Yongsheng Tong, Beijing Huilongguang Hospital, Beijing, China
  • Ling Peng, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
  • (E-mail: info@treehole.org)




    RoomZoom Conference Room 1
    (Meeting ID: 925 7636 9723)
    Chair: Ting Liu (VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands)
    9:00-9:10Opening Ting Liu (VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands)
    9:10-9:50Keynote: An introduction into conversational agents in mental healthWillem-Paul Brinkman (Technical University of Delft, Netherlands)
    9:50-10:15An agent based framework for persuasive health behavior change interventionFawad Taj (VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands)
    10:15-10:40Distant Supervision for Mental Health Management in Social MediaGuanghui Fu (Beijing University of Technology, China)
    10:40-11:05Recommender support system for counsellors in suicide prevention chatsSalim Salmi (113 Suicide Prevention Netherlands)
    11:05-11:30Messages Characteristics of High Suicide Risk Users of a Social Network—— Weibo “Tree Hole”Bingxiang Yang (Wuhan University, China)
    11:30-11:55Temporal Aspects of Tree Hole DataDan Xie (Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, China)
    13:00-13:25An Auto Question Answering System for Tree Hole RescueFulin Wang (Beijing Forest University)
    13:25-13:50Research on the Behavior Pattern of Microblog "Tree Hole" Users with Their Temporal CharacteristicsXiaomin Jing (Beijing University of Technology, China)
    13:50-14:15Corona Pandemic and Tree Hole BehaviorShaofu Lin (Beijing University of Technology, China)
    14:15-14:40Digital Profile and Behavior Analysis of TreeholersBinbin Liu (Ekimetrics, France)
    14:40-15:05Family Rehabilitation for Mental Disorders — challenges and strategies Feng Yin (Caregivers Alliance Singapore)
    15:05-15:30Web-based Intelligent Agents for Suicide Monitoring and Early Warning Zhisheng Huang (VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands)




    Vrije University

    Atlantis Press

    Ztone International BV
